Monday, January 21, 2013

Question: When is the best time to prune your trees?

Answer: Now!!

For most trees, the dormant season, late fall or winter, is the best time to prune although dead branches can and should be removed at any time. Pruning during the dormant period minimizes sap loss and subsequent stress to the tree. It also minimizes the risk of fungus infection or insect infestation as both fungi and insects are likely to be in dormancy at the same time as the tree. Finally, in the case of deciduous trees, pruning when the leaves are off will give you a better idea of how your pruning will affect the shape of the tree.
Oak Tree

Monday, January 14, 2013

Don't wait until spring!

Did you know that fall and winter are the best times to install new plants in San Antonio?  So don't wait till spring to plant new trees and shrubs.  Give your new plants a headstart by planting now.  It will give the plants time to establish before the harsh summer.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Are you in the dark?

Now that the holidays are over and all of the beautiful lights are coming down there is no reason to live in the dark! Adding landscape lighting allows you to enjoy your outdoor space year round.  The options in outdoor lighting have just exploded the last few years with the introduction of LED.  There are great lighting systems that can fit every budget.  Contact us for a free consultation for landscape lighting.   210-657-7737

LED Landscape Lighting

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Testimonial Tuesday

Here are more kind words from one of our holiday decor clients:

"Just wanted to thank all of you who made the beautiful light displays at the Bakery on Broadway, Quarry Heights, and Heritage Oaks.  You have done such an outstanding job and my tenants just love them.  I had a note from the C.H. Guenther CEO's the morning after the lights came on 'The decorations outside are FABULOUS!  It made my day when we left last night and then again when I arrived this morning....LOVE IT.  Thank you so much for bringing cheer to BROADWAY..'

You should be very proud of the beautiful work you do.  It is so professional and makes my buildings look truly amazing!!!  Hope you all have a wonderful Holiday!!!"

Thanks Again
Martha Murray, CPM
Property Manager
R.L. Worth and Associates Property Management, LLC

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